Thursday, October 09, 2008

And the war actually begins...

And yes... the war has officially began....

Baddin came home for the one week bayram holiday with loads of homework... with instructions from the teacher of which pages to be done on which day... I as a mom who hates homework during holiday naturally ignored the instruction and made him do all the homework within 2 days of the holiday... so that he could spend the rest of his holiday...*on holiday*...

Before the holiday, i think it was a warm up homework i think..with his teacher bascally iving homework of one sheet consisting of 2 pages homework... now post bayram is now 2 sheets of 4 pages homework each day... and more of course for the weekend...

I have stopped timing him... he refuses to be timed. I complied and only uses the timing system whenever necessary... But what i noticed is this.... He has finally realised that pre school is not grade one.. and that playing while doing homework...finishing homework for let say...4 lines per hour is simply isnt done... True..without the timing system we spend more time on the homework... but it is now simply him and his homework... (and me next to him of course). He is starting to take hold of his responsibilities...

Yesterday he came hom grumpy... tired i suppose from school.. he kept finding excuses to cry..even while eating dinner...homework was worst... he kept crying...*i cannot write as nice as the example!!!* As i looked..i personally thought that he was actually writing nicely... i mean for someone who was only able to not even write a straight line... he was good.. i remember hatice...his sister last year... he is writing *a* almost as good as she did... and he was crying non stop of not being able to write perfectly!!! I think this is one of the traits he inherited from the one his name was derived from... *perfection*.. hmmm... anyway... we finished the homework almost by 7.30pm yesterday (starting from 5pm)... it was a long day but at least he finished writing the *a* and the *al* following the cursive style of writing... he still cried that he couldnt write perfectly till the end.. but then.....Anyway... these were some of what he wrote yesterday... i think it is not bad at all.. what do u think??

keep up the good work baddin! You actually suprise me each day... :0)



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