Wednesday, October 03, 2007

And here they were...

And guests we did have at our home last tuesday for iftar. This time, our guests r among those who have the most direct contact with hatice and baddin at school.... their class teachers, their kids and another teacher involved in the advisory matter...
Hoş geldiniz... i hope u all have had a nice and welcoming time at our home..... :0)
With the presence of the 3rd teacher (i was told only two would come), my automatic assumption was that teacher was there to assess our home... whether it was condusive for the kids.. and whether the home environment was the reason as to why baddin is behind in several skills... that of course was my assumption. i didnt ask as i thought it would be rude...
Personally, i had a nice time with the teachers.... the kids to some extent (esp towards the end) started to warm towards each other... and what was important was that i got to ask Hülya hanım personally of baddin's development... his social skill was/is worrying me.... we talked about his needed to be improved skills... she talked about how she had/has been by his side to help him develop this and that much better...and what i can do to help at home...the causes..the effect..etc..etc...etc...she also added that it is early days yet... we will see...i am looking forward to seeing his development esp towards the end of the year....
But what puts me at rest is to see how attentive, intuitive,empathetic and caring his teacher is...and seeing such action and look of love (in the picture below)... i am at peace. My son is in good hands....

Dear Hülya hanım..

From the bottom of my heart...i thank u for what u have done for my son so far and for what u will do for him in the near future. May Allah bless u...and the rest of the teachers as well...



At 11:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rajin cikgu2 kat sana kan? Very involved, sampai gi rumah lagi:)


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